Кокосовая пальма… и вот уже перед глазами берег моря со слегка наклонившейся к воде пальмой. Присмотримся внимательнее к этому символу безмятежного пляжного отдыха.
Чаша ручной работы из кокосовой скорлупы
Кокосовая пальма — удивительно полезное для человека растение. Полезное в том плане, что существует более трех сотен способов ее использования. Кокосовое волокно за относительно короткое время стало настолько важным материалом для садоводов и огородников, что сложно понять, как без него обходились раньше. Все дело в его уникальных свойствах.
Поделки из кокоса - 79 фото
It was actually at this palace that our tour began this morning. Before the war there was the South Vietnamese Independence Palace here, however, it was a different building, a 19th-century one in the French colonial style. During the war, that one was bombed, so a new, more modern palace was built in its place later, becoming a symbol of the unified Vietnam. Generally, there was a lot of history today and in the first half of the day it was mainly contemporary history. So, standing next to this tank, which is a replica of the exact North Vietnamese tanks that rammed the Palace gate in and actually marked the end of the Vietnam war and the victory of the North, Phuoc gave us a brief overview of Vietnamese history since the First Indochina War against the French colonialists, which began in , followed by the Second Indochina War, also known as the Vietnam War of The palace itself has maybe a few dozens of rooms and halls, but only three are currently used for government events.
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